Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama Inauguration Thoughts

I will confess that I played hooky and called in sick so I could stay home to watch and to tape the inaugural proceedings. It starts from the various dignitaries entering the platform to the actual inauguration (botched oath and all) to the luncheon (NBC screwing up the report that Byrd had a seizure instead of Kennedy) to the parade to the D.C. Neighborhood Ball to the first half of that night's edition of Charlie Rose. All in all, eight hours of VHS recorded. Is that so wrong? I'm only sorry that I couldn't capture it digitally on a DVD and even that the tape was recorded in EP mode instead of SP for better picture quality.

So let's have some thoughts on this historic day and beginning of a presidency.


Young said...

Link to Maureen Dowd's column on the Inauguration that Mike sent to me: Exit the Boy King

"It was the Instant the Earth Stood Still.

Not since Klaatu landed in a flying saucer on the Ellipse has Washington been so mesmerized by an object whirring through the sky.

But this one was departing, not arriving.

As W. ceased to be president, he flew off over the Capitol and across the Mall en route to Andrews Air Force Base, and then back to Texas..."

Young said...

William Kristol's last NYT column, fittingly on the rise of liberalism with Obama: Will Obama Save Liberalism?

Footnote, Kristol will now write a monthly column for WaPost, in addition to his editor role on The Weekly Standard. William Kristol's Column in the Times Ends